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Hearing Aid Myths

I only have trouble hearing certain sounds,

so I don't need hearing aids

If you are missing certain sounds you have a hearing loss. Inability to hear sounds like sh, s, th, f, etc. will impact your understanding of the overall word. Today's hearing aids provide amplification specifically in the areas where you need it. Just like reading glasses give definition to letters, hearing aids will provide definition and clarity to sound.

I only need one hearing aid

Our brains are designed to work optimally with sound inputs from two sources, not just one. When you have hearing loss in both ears, two hearing aids will help you localize sound. You will need less overall volume and you will hear speech significantly better in noisy environments.

Everybody will see that I have hearing aids

Hearing aids have become smaller and much more discreet. There are many people around you who wear hearing aids that you are not aware of.

Hearing aids are only for old people

Almost two thirds of people with hearing loss are under the age of 64

If I don't like my hearing aids, I'm stuck with them

All hearing aid companies offer a 30-day money back guarantee. You can arrange a trial fitting with your audiologist.

Hearing aids will make my ears lazy

The opposite is true. Just like regular exercise keeps your body fit, daily stimulation of the auditory pathways will keep your ears fit.

FACT: Hearing loss is more noticeable than hearing aids


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